Finding Tiny Joys Story

Finding Tiny Joys Story

“Tiny joys” came about when I was selected to be my best friend’s emotional support person during her cancer journey. She was a brilliant person, who selected a few close friends to carry out different roles in her life (“her trusted people”). There were many days when my friend would find herself overcome with anxiety about what was really important in life. I was given the cherished opportunity to remind her of what was important on a regular basis. My dear friend was a tender-hearted, fiercely funny, and a fabulous therapist. She was married to the love of her life with two beautiful little girls and dreams of beating her aggressive cancer. We promised to always meet each other at the ocean, where we would laugh at our silly stories and talk about our deepest thoughts. When she was told that her cancer had returned and was now terminal, it became clear as “her person” that we needed to focus on the tiny joys. It wasn’t about the Disney trips or missed vacations or years lost not growing old; it was always about the tiny moments that brought immense joy. These are the moments and memories that her family (and my family) hold on to, now that she is no longer with us.

During her illness, we talked about our dreams for the future; all while focusing on the present moments. She begged for me to move back to the east coast. And a few months after her passing; everything aligned for my family to leave our southern home and head back to the east coast, just as we had dreamed while she was alive. Shortly after returning home, I attended Lesley University to focus on grief and loss counseling and continued to lose loved ones around me. With five additional deaths in 18 short months; I became not only educationally prepared, but I also found myself personally prepared to sit with people as they experience their personal grief. It has been an honor to sit with each patient, as they experience life and loss for themselves and learn to make meaning.

I am here to help you find the tiny joys in your life. And to continue the work of my best friend.

2639 South County Trail
East Greenwich, RI 02818
(479) 366-9898

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